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      Taxation Faculty

      The Taxation Faculty ("TF") was the second specialist faculty established by the Institute and was set up in 2012.


      The TF brings together under one umbrella the different tax activities and programmes run by the Institute, primarily the technical, advocacy and liaison work as well as member services, such as the tax seminars, networking events and e-newsletter. This facilitates a more focused approach, with improved coordination, and increased opportunities for members to participate in the various TF activities and projects. The operation of TF is overseen by an executive committee.


      The TF helps raise the profile of the taxation profession in Hong Kong and provides a stronger voice for members working in this field. It also offers a stronger platform for the further development of high-quality tax services under the Institute. The TF lends support to other Institute initiatives, such as the advanced diploma in specialist taxation.



      Membership of the TF is open to Institute members and staff of CPA firms. Eligibility for membership is also extended to holders of other relevant professional memberships and qualifications, experienced tax practitioners and other interested persons.


      Faculty services and benefits of membership


      Faculty members can benefit from the following range of services:


      • A broad spectrum of events discussing Hong Kong and Mainland tax issues, catering for different knowledge levels from foundation to advanced levels


      • A discounted price for attendance at most selected TF events and priority enrolment in selected TF events


      • A dedicated e-newsletter, “Tax Link”, issued roughly quarterly, providing quick links to news about local, cross-border and international tax matters


      • Timely e-notifications on legal, regulatory/ tax administration changes and updates, upcoming activities, and other relevant developments in the field of tax


      • Opportunities to participate in faculty work and projects


      • A forum for tax professionals and other experts in the field to exchange views on matters of common interest and concern, and other networking opportunities


      • A channel for updates on the Institute's more comprehensive tax education programmes (e.g., the advanced diploma in specialist taxation)


      • More generally, a two-way channel of communication with the Institute on current issues and concerns in the field of taxation.


      For more details about the TF, read the information sheet.


      Join TF


      Please click here to join TF.  If you are a non-member of the Institute who would like to submit the application via our online system, please register as a new web member first, then complete an online registration.


      You are also welcome to join TF by completing the membership application form (for 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2025: Form for HKICPA member/ HKICPA student/ international affiliate, Form for non-HKICPA member).


      Contact TF


      For enquiries, please click here.


      Click here to read more about the development of specialist support by the Institute.

